Corresponding author (*). Equal contribution (#). Members of Castiglione lab in blue


Castiglione G.M*, Chen X.#, Xu, Z.#, Dbouk N.H.#, Bose A.#, Carmona-Berrio D.,, Chi E.E., Zhou, L., Boronina, T.N., Cole, R.N., Wu, S., Liu, A., Liu, T., Lu, H., Kalbfleisch, T., Rinker, D., Rokas, A., Ortved, K., and Duh, E.J*. Running a Genetic Stop Sign Accelerates Oxygen Metabolism and Energy Production in Horses. Science. (Accepted)


15. Castiglione G.M*., Chiu, Y.L., de A. Gutierrez, E., Van Nynatten, A., Hauser, F.E., Preston, M., Bhattacharyya, N., Schott, R.K., and *Chang, B.S.W. (2023) Convergent Evolution of Dim Light Vision in Owls and Deep-Diving Whales. Current Biology. 33 (21) P4733-4740.E4. PDF Featured Article. Commentary.

14. Castiglione G.M*., Hauser, F.E., Van Nynatten, A., and Chang, B.S.W.* (2023) Adaptation of Antarctic Icefish Vision to Extreme Environments. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 40 (4) msad030. PDF. Editor’s Highlight. Journal Cover.

13. Castiglione G.M, Zhou L., Xu Z., Neiman Z., Hung, C.F. and Duh, E.J.* (2021). Evolutionary pathways to SARS-CoV-2 resistance are opened and closed by epistasis acting on ACE2. PLoS Biology 19(12): e3001510. PDF

12. Lam, B., Kung, Y.J., Lin, J., Tseng, S.H., Tsai, Y.C., He, L., Castiglione G.M, Egbert, E., Duh, E., Bloch, E.M., Tobian, A.A.R., Milstone, A.M., Roden, R.B.S., Wu, T.C., and Hung, C.F. (2021). In vivo characterization of emerging SARS-CoV-2 variant infectivity and human antibody escape potential. Cell Reports. 37 (3): 109838. PDF.

11. Van Nynatten, A., Castiglione G.M, Gutierrez, E.A., Lovejoy N.R., and Chang, B. S.W. (2021). Recreated ancestral opsin associated with marine to freshwater croaker invasion reveals kinetic and spectral adaptation. Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (4):2076-2087. PDF

10. Zhou, L., Xu, Z., Castiglione G.M, Soiberman, U.S., Eberhart, C.G., & Duh, E.J. (2020). ACE2 and TMPRSS2 are expressed on the human ocular surface, suggesting susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection. The Ocular Surface 18 (4):537-544. PDF

9. Castiglione G.M, Xu, Z., Zhou, L. & Duh, E. J. (2020). Adaptation of the master antioxidant response connects metabolism, lifespan and feather development pathways in birds. Nature Communications 11: 2476. PDF. Featured in: Baltimore Sun, Washington Post. Editor’s Highlights 2020

8. Castiglione G.M & Chang B.S.W.* (2018). Functional trade-offs and environmental variation shaped ancient trajectories during the evolution of dim-light vision. eLife. 7: e35957. PDF

7. Gutierrez, E.A., Castiglione G.M Morrow, J.M., Schott, R.K., Loureiro, L.O., Lim, B.K., and Chang B.S.W. (2018). Functional shifts in bat dim-light visual pigment are associated with differing echolocation abilities and reveal molecular adaptation to photic-limited environments. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 35 (10): 2422-2434. PDF

6. Castiglione G.M, Schott R.K., Hauser F.E., and Chang B.S.W. (2018). Convergent selection pressures drive the evolution of rhodopsin kinetics at high altitudes via nonparallel mechanisms. Evolution. 72 (1): 170-186. PDF

5. Hauser FE, Ilves KL, Schott RK, Castiglione G.M, López-Fernández H, and Chang BSW. (2017). Accelerated evolution and functional divergence of the dim light visual pigment accompanies cichlid colonization of Central America. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 34 (10): 2650-2664. PDF

4. Castiglione G.M, Hauser F.E., Liao B.S., Lujan N.K., Van Nynatten A., Morrow J.M., Schott R.K., Bhattacharyya N., Dungan S.Z. and Chang B.S.W. (2017). Evolution of nonspectral rhodopsin function at high altitudes. PNAS 114 (28): 7385-7390. PDF

3. Morrow J.M., Castiglione G.M., Dungan S.Z., Tang P.L., Bhattacharyya N., Hauser F.E., Chang. B.S.W. (2017). An experimental comparison of human and bovine rhodopsin provides insight into the molecular basis of retinal disease. FEBS Letters. 591: 1720-1731. PDF.

2. Hauser F.E., Schott R.K., Castiglione G.M., Van Nynatten A., Kosyakov A., Tang P., Gow D., Chang B.S.W. (2016). Comparative sequence analyses of rhodopsin and RPE65 reveal patterns of selective constraint across hereditary retinal disease mutations. Visual Neuroscience. 33 (E002): 13 pgs. PDF

1. Peek J., Castiglione G., Shi T., Christendat D. (2014). Isolation and molecular characterization of the shikimate dehydrogenase domain from the Toxoplasma gondii AROM complex. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology. 194(1-2):16-9. PDF